Monday, October 26, 2009

Celestina Day One

The first scene in the garden is perhaps to symbolize the Garden of Eden and the story regarding it, much like what Sempronio likened it to when ranting about women in general. He quoted the bible by saying "This is women, the ancient curse that drove Adam out of the delights of Eden, she it was who sent the human race to hell; she it was whom the prophet Elijah rebuked." (8, Simpson)

In any fashion, despite Sempronio's general regard for women, we can certainly see that this is a forshadowing and also a tool to help us read into the first scene. Miliba kicks him out after his confession, refusing him the delights of her Eden. A possible undertone reference to sex.

But, moving on now to the scene which I quoted from, We see that Calisto is clearly a love sick puppy which plays into the Garden of Eden thing. He's now willing and ready to sacrifice everything so he can 'get back' to the symbolic Garden of Eden. This state of mind allows him to worship Miliba over any God he might hold dear and makes him weak enough to allow himself to believe Sempronio's cunning plan.

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