Monday, November 30, 2009

Small World Part Two

How hs the story thus far reflected some of the literature we've read?

Well the new rendition of the Fisher King is introduced as Arther Kingfisher, perhaps a nod to both the king Fisher himself and King Arther. However the way David describes the new character is quite similar yet different to the new one. He makes it more modern, and certainly more sexually blunt then the first rendition. Metaphors aren't used, yet ,instead, there is a beautiful Asian women tending to him while he's stark naked. And remarkably he can't get it up.

What do you think of Angelica? Is she like Conchita, or one of the other ladies from the works we've read?

Defiantly Conchita. The way she tricked Dempsey and Persse both towards the tail end of part one and then just vanished like she's so good at doing. Though, the fact that she didn't go through with either of them presumably (though with Dempsey I'm not sure, she could have just been setting him up as well or really flogging him), makes her way more modest then the Spanish vixen from the movie we watched. However, what really settles it in my mind is that she's disappeared, gone, with even more mystery upon her, and now Persse has to run after her to find her. Perhaps she is the grail in this quest, or hold the answers to the grail. Her name, angelica, might reference to this.

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